Monday, January 16, 2017

We Stand David-ed: An Introduction

Yes I know my title is an awful pun, yes it was intention, and yes I'm absolutely leaving it. I know some people absolutely can't stand puns. They say they're boring, silly, immature, or not that creative.

And to those people I say, "Fooey!"

Puns are a fantastic way to make anything and everything more fun. You pay more attention to the little things when you're constantly looking for another awful pun to make. You'll eventually find puns in the most obscure things and make everyone around you moan and groan and roll their eyes, and you'll eventually start thriving on these reactions. One of my favorite thing to do is see the best/worst reaction I can get out of people with puns.

This attitude towards puns largely comes from just being around my family and it all stems from my dad. He will make the cheesiest puns and most awful jokes, all while beaming and snickering at our reactions. Eventually, my siblings and I started joining in and now the holidays are just continuous streams of puns, with each person adding their best/worst to the growing mountain.

Some may say puns are cheesy, but I just don't think life would be as Gouda without them.
Ba dum ts Source

Okay, I'll stop talking about puns and actually talk about myself now.

Hi! I'm David Mitchell. I'm a senior Electrical Engineering major and I will (hopefully) be graduating in May. My favorite things to do are running and cooking. I started running in 2010 after doing the Warrior Dash for the first time (I've done it every year since then) and now I've done one marathon, I'm signed up for two more this year, and I've gone through more shoes than I care to count.

All this running then led to my second hobby: cooking. It was a rough surprise the summer after my freshman year of college when I realized I was running even more than before without the endless supply of food at the Caf. It would have cost a fortune to feed myself with only fast food, so I decided to start cooking my own meals to save money and keep my stomach full (a much more difficult task than it would seem). I started with very basic crockpot meals, but now I've worked my way up to pretty dang fancy food like coq au vin or french madeleines or gnocchi with ragu. It's also a fantastic form of stress relief and catharsis. Nothing is better than pounding away on a ball of bread dough on a Sunday afternoon. What started as something to fill a basic need has changed to something I couldn't live without.

I guess I've gone from needing it to kneading it!
Ba dum ts Source


  1. Ha ha, my husband is a pun-master, David — so I can take it! Maybe you could do a project with this class all about the puns, both wonderful and terrible, which are indeed a part of the folklore tradition. Along with riddles and word games and all such stuff. And hey, with Gouda, I think I am seeing stories from Holland with cheese in your future... THE BOY WHO WANTED MORE CHEESE. Or some other food-inspired project. Food, puns, fun. It's all possible, and I hope you will have enjoy finding your path through the class. :-)

  2. Awesome to hear all about you David! I too am a runner and understand the pain of going through such a ridiculous number of shoes! I also love to cook but in my house we have to know how to cook if we want to eat. Just yesterday I baked up some baklava, which is surprisingly easy to make! I am glad to see others like me that are in the Engineering field taking this class and maybe we'll RUN into each other one campus!

  3. Hi David! I think it's really cool that you like to run and cook. One of my biggest hobbies is working out, so we have that in common. I have to admit I am not the best runner, but I try to run on the treadmill at least a little bit every day! I like to cook too, but I don't think I'm quite on your level, I'm still in the crock pot/easy meal phase. I have recently gotten really into cooking so I hope I can learn how to make a lot of things. It was very nice to hear a little bit about you!

  4. Hi! I think puns are hilarious too. My family also engages in pun wars, however I could never hope to keep up with how good my mom is.
    Well, your top two hobbies are possibly the things I hate to do the most. I'm trying to get better at making food in my Crock Pot. I tried one time and basically added everything I liked that I thought might possibly go in a soup. It didn't turn out very well (surprise surprise). I hope some day to have a personal chef so that I don't have to waste ingredients in any more cooking disasters.

  5. David, it's good too see an engineering survivor in this course. I'm sure with all the things students like us go through we need some pun in our life or gnocchi with rags (That got me hungry!). It's nice that you got into running, I'm more into lifting weights but I can relate to how the passion grows with time, as well as your appetite! Hope to see pictures of some of your kitchen creations, keep it up!

  6. Hey, not everyone hates puns! I appreciate a good eye-roll-inducing pun.

    It's cool that you enjoy cooking. I, too, got into the kitchen more as a result of wanting to save money. Now, I prefer it to going out. There are so many more options in the kitchen than there are when going out. It sounds like you operate with more sophistication than I do--I usually stick with the simple meat-veggies-carb combination when I prepare food. Maybe I'll try one of those recipes you mentioned.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh my gosh, you would love my best friend Marc Thibodeau (actually you may already know him as he's a junior computer engineer). He's also a pun-master and I shudder to imagine you two in the same room making puns. I can't say I love running, but I do love cooking! I'm more into baking and sweets, but fancy pasta and stir-fry is awesome too! I wish I knew how to make coq au vin! I might have to try it out sometime!

  9. Hey David!
    Your first half of the post had me thinking so much of my friend from back home in Texas. He uses puns so often, and I think it's great! Who wouldn't like some good puns? Your major sounds very interesting and cool, though very hard.
    On another note, I go through plenty of shoes from work, I'd hate to imagine how many you go through running. It's also cool that you really enjoy running, I wish I could say the same.
    Good luck to you this semester and in your future!

  10. First of all, I have to agree that puns are truly the highest form of fine comedy. I tried to think of puns that would fit in the last sentence, and I thought of ten, but no pun in ten did. I think it's neat you're into running, really gives you a sense of freedom doesn't it? Except when it's too cold outside, then my lungs start to freeze from the inside out. Other than that though, I enjoy running too!

  11. I feel like the pun was only intended but that is okay! I am also an engineering major (aerospace) and will be graduating this May as well! Wow 2 marathons this year is a huge commitment but the payoff is definitely worth it. About how long do you train before each run? I wish you the best of luck with the rest of the semester!

  12. Haha nice puns and nice to meet you David. It's nice to meet new people with a sense of humor. I think it's cool that you got into cooking. I've also recently made it a hobby and it can be quite the stress relief tool, especially when there's a nice meal waiting for you at the end of it. Congrats on graduation!

  13. Hi David,
    You remind me a lot of one of my friends here at OU, actually two friends. They are twins who both love to make puns. They also love to one up each other with their puns, so when you are around them it’s a constant stream of puns. Most of them are pretty bad, but occasionally they will come up with a pretty good one.
