Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week 1 Wikipedia Trail: Lord Byron to Turing Complete

I've heard Lord Byron referenced a lot recently and he happen to be the first thing on the class twitter feed, so I decided to start there.

Lord Byron Lord Byron was a British poet, politician, and Romanticist. He is considered one of the best British poets of all time and still often read today. He was also the father of Ada Lovelace, which I did not know.
Lord Byron Source

Ada Lovelace This then led me to Ada Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace, otherwise known as Ada Lovelace. Daughter of Lord Byron, she is more well known by some as the first computer programmer. Her work on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine is what earned her this title.

Analytical Engine The design for this machine, although it was never built, is on of the first designs for a general purpose computer. Unlike computers today, it used an entirely mechanical system for storing data and performing arithmetic. These controls and properties, among others, make it the first computer that would be considered Turing Complete.

Turing Complete This a term, named after the mathematician Alan Turing, that is used to describe things in computability theory. Although it seems tautological, something is Turing complete if it can simulate something that is Turing complete. These ideas start getting really weird after a while.

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