Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Storybook Favorites

Homer and Garden Television

This storybook retells four stories from classical Greek tradition in a way mimicking modern TV shows. The title, which is a fantastic pun, does a good job of both giving you an idea of what the story will be about, while still making you curious and creates a desire to read more. The introduction, like the title, shows a lot of creativity and gives the reader several hints about what will happen, but never actually says, which is the job of the television commercials it's imitating. The overall design of the pages is very good and fits well with the HGTV style. It's also easy to navigate with all the directions off to the side.

The logo created for this storybook. Source

This storybook tells four stories from Irish tradition. It starts with an old man entertaining some guests who stumble into his inn, which is not a far fetched thing in Ireland. The title does a good job of describing the overall contents of the book, but not the introduction however. The introduction sets the scene well. It seems to be a familiar type of story, where one character tells stories around a fire to both entertain and frighten the others. This familiarity can be good, as it can draw the reader in since they already have an idea of where the story is going and would want to know more. The design is good, with the navigation tools off to the side and not taking away from the text itself. 

This one tells the three traditional children's stories from the perspective of the so-called villains of those stories. The title does a good job of conveying this idea. The introduction also does a good job feeding the reader hints of what is to come without spoiling any of the details. This makes the reader want to read more. This is a good creative take on several well known stories. The overall layout is good. The reader is immediately drawn to the text but still knows where the navigation tools are and can easily navigate the book. 

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